Friday, August 25, 2017

2017.08.25 (3)

I wish though, in many cases, that life was innocent.

The Philosopher by SlytherclawPadawan


Deep Water by SlytherclawPadawan

2017.08.25 (2)

And oooh.. there's another very interesting case I'd love to write on in a moment.....

SH Happy Holmes Stamp by TwilightProwler

2017.08.25 (1)

light cherry blossoms e Isn't that an amazing feeling - finding you've still got all, everything you've got yesterday even more.
My luxurious private internet cafe-hotel is back. Bullet cake part Game on.

L happy by Hamlichan  SH Brett Holmes Smug Stamp by TwilightProwler Free Starbucks Coffee Icon by Kitmit

2017.08.24 (2) WIN!

.....My :star:WINS:star: of the (last) week! :dummy with a sword: I win! 2 by SlytherclawPadawan 
{F2U} Blue Firework Bullet.: Gold Rosette :.{F2U} Blue Firework Bullet One of the Runner Ups of a contest by fluffylink:

My entry:
The Legend of Kabuto by SlytherclawPadawan
Bullet; Yellow 100 Points
Bullet; Yellow Mochi
Bullet; Yellow Mini pixel

{F2U} Purple Firework Bullet2nd Trophy{F2U} Purple Firework Bullet  2nd Place Winner of a contest by MomokoStar:

My entry:
Dreaming of a Better Future by SlytherclawPadawan
Bullet; Yellow 500 :points:  
Bullet; Yellow A full body chibi from 
Bullet; Yellow A chibi from positiivity
Bullet; Yellow A head-shot from AliceTriesToDraw

Thanks for le wins, treasure-trophy hunter is happy! .:Piratela:.
La jumping in Points Point Jar Jack Sparrow LA emote 
Sorry if I haven't noted/replied to you all sooner about the prize requests (also for YaggyDigitaljacindaadams). I'll think of them right away.. ^^; (moi? missing out on a treasure? nope. arrrr pirate)

2017.08.24 (1)

Often times I forgot that this unlimited-free-wifi flat of mine has already been my luxury internet cafe (with me freely surfing working in amazingly fast broadband not to mention the PRIVACY and with me free to cook/buy/eat my own food!).. until I lost le wifi for only about 2 days and had to go to the crowded, full of smoker-gamers internet cubicles. :dizzy: revamp Smells Like Teen Spirit Or another more peaceful spots but still with the risk of VIRUSES, MALWARES, etc etc Skull and Crossbones waiting to attack my flash drive. :dead:

And now that I'm very grateful that the 'net is back again, time to celebrate you my active watchers/visitors must knew already what I almost forgot..... :boogie::tada: Star! Fireworks

2017.08.22 (3)

Whatever whatever annoyance potentially-but-hopefully-NOT going to happen as my instinct (or just anxious mind?) told me, right now at least I can be happy for, celebrating the arrival of a book I ordered (and also other gems I got today Shopping Bag Icon:shuffelin:thank you flower) - some guide for treasure hunters, huehehehee.. Pirate wave

Awakened Millionaire by SlytherclawPadawan

No I'm not really planning to be the awakened kind or so but surely I can apply the alchemical skills to gain even MORE of le tresor. :ahoy: rvmpAnd I felt that I found this book right when I need it, so..

Monkey Island by KitLightning FireworksTreasure ChestFireworks Pirate Arrr